Basics of Algorithms and Programming

General Information


Course Objectives

  • Ability to analyze a computational problem and to propose an algorithmic solution
  • Understanding and ability to apply basics components of an algorithm
  • Understanding simple data structures; array data type and composite data type
  • Mastering basic algorithms; finding extremes, common statistical formulas, …
  • Mastering basic data searching and sorting methods

Grading System

  • 30% Midterm exam
  • 35% Final exam
  • 15% Final project
  • 10% Lab works
  • 10% Quizes and homeworks
  • A > 80, D < 50, E < 40

Reading list

There will be quizes from the reading material

  • wk 2. pg 8-45
  • wk 3. pg 46-54 and 84-90
  • wk 4. pg 55-62
  • wk 5. pg 91-117
  • wk 6. pg 63-83
  • wk 8. pg 118-123 and 131-134
  • wk 9. pg 124-130
  • wk 10. pg 135-149
  • wk 11. pg 150-157 and 160-188
  • wk 12. pg 189-205

Why This Course is Hard

Quote from Prof. Michio Kaku

Let me give some advise to you if you are a young physicist, perhaps just getting out of high school You have dreams of being Einstein, you have dreams of working on string theory and things like that and then you hit freshman phyisics.

Let me be blunt: We physicists flunk most students taking elementary physics. And we’re more or less encouraged to do so by the engineering department. We don’t want to train engineers who make bridges that fall down. We don’t want to create engineers that create skyscrapers that fall over.

There’s a bottom line: you have to know the laws of mechanics.

So before you can work with the laws of Einstein, you have to work with the laws of friction, levers, pulleys, and gears.

As a consequence we have a very high flunk-out rate in elementary physics. So if you’re a young physicist graduating from high school with stars in your eyes, and you encounter freshman physics for the first time, watch out!

If you have a rough time, that’s the way it is.

Computer Science analogy for Prof Michio Kaku advice

You have dreams to be a computer scientist, you have dreams of building the ultimate games and things like that and then you hit basics of computer algorithms,

Let me be blunt: We computer scientists flunk most students taking basics of algorithms and data structures. And we’re more or less encouraged to do so by the college. We don’t want to train engineers who make system softwares crash. We don’t want to create engineers that create applications that are useless.

There’s a bottom line: you have to know the basics of algorithms.

So before you can work with machine learning, image processing, and stuff, you have to work with iterations, conditions, arrays, and simple data types.

As a consequence we have a very high flunk-out rate in basics of algorithms. So if you’re a young computer scientist graduating from high school with stars in your eyes, and you encounter basic algorithms for the first time, watch out!

If you have rough time, that’s the way it is.

What is Algorithm?


A named sequence of actions to achieve an expected result

The actions must be clearly understood by the actors (machines, people, …)

Its execution starts at one designated first action and finishes at a final action

It must terminate after a reasonable number of executed actions

Given an initial state, execution of the algorithm always gives the same final state

The expected result is the difference between the initial and the final state

Actions :

  • Primitive actions (which are already clearly understood by actors), or
  • Previously defined named algorithms

Computational Problem and Algorithmic Thinking

An algorithm is a recipe, when followed, will always give you a correct answer

Solving computational problems means finding/devising an algorithm

  • Break down problem into smaller, easier to understand sub-problems
  • Solution (aka the algorithm) to the sub-problems should be obvious
  • Compose the solutions of the sub-problems to solve the whole problem
  • Always plan the correct sequence of the composition of the sub-solutions

Algorithmic thinking is applicable and is very useful in many areas But surely is the most important basic knowledge in Computer Science

Computer Model

Computer Architecture

Model of Computation vs. Real Computers


  • keyboard, mouse, touchpad, touchscreen, scanner
  • sensors: camera, gyro, gps, accelometer, lidar, …


  • display screen, printer, audio, vibration
  • actuators: robot arms, pan-tilt device, autonomous vehicles, 3d-printer, …


  • main memory (shortterm memory) byte addressable 8GB, …
  • data accessed thru their addresses, commonly in words (4 byte size)


  • Intel, AMD, Arm: #cores, caches, #bit instrs, general/special, #processors

(Computer) Algorithm vs. Computer Program

Primitive actions are computer executable instructions

Algorithm is used to express the ideas of the programming solution

  • Algorithms solely for human readers

Program is the actual codes that will be used to drive a computer

  • Source programs intended for both computers and (mainly) humans
  • Rigid rules (syntax) how they are written
  • Contain details may not pertinent to the solution main ideas
  • Contain description of data to be processed
  • Protocols to access particular device interfaces
  • User interface design (GUI)
  • Language style and philosophy

Algorithm Notation vs. Programming Languages

Algorithm notation is designed to be as simple as possible And easily implemented in many programming languages

Each programming language has its own design philosophy

  • Procedural (C), Object oriented (Java), or Functional language (Lisp)
  • General purpose language vs. Catering special needs (Game, Math, Web, Industry)
  • Quick development vs. Efficient execution (interpreting vs. compiling)

What benefits in interpreting? And what about in compiling?

Samples of “hello world!”

// C
#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
    printf( "hello world!\n" );
    return 0;

;;; ANSI Common Lisp
(format t "hello world!~%")

/* Java */
public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main( String[] args) {
        System.out.println( "hello world!" );

(* Pascal *)
program HelloWorld
    writeln( 'hello world!' )

Primitive Data and Operations

Memory, Binaries…

Data values (remember number bases: base-2, base-8, base-10, base-16)

0100 0101 = 0x2^7+1x2^6+..+0x2^3+1x2^2+0x2^1+1x2^0 = 69
2018 = 1024+512+256+128+64+32+2 = 2^10 +2^9 +2^8 +2^7 +2^6 +2^5 +2^11 = 0000 0111 1110 0010
0000 0111 1110 0010 = 07E2h

One ALU part: Arithmetic operations on data

  • add ( + ), subtract ( )
  • multiply ( * )
  • divide ( / or div )
  • integer division remainder or modulo ( % or mod )

How to represent negative numbers? 2s complement!

What ranges of stored integer numbers (8 bits, 16, 32, and 64 bits)? What is 1K, 1M, 1G, 1T, …?

Variables, Memory, and Data

All data in memory is stored in binary digits Knowing the conversion, we’ll use the decimal numbers most of the time

The memory has always some values, as bits are either 0 or 1 If we don’t set its value, we don’t know it -> uninitialized variable

Memory is addressable in 8 bits (1 byte), 2 bytes (half word), full word, double word

Variable is a name/alias given to a specific memory address Contrast to Math which variables are names for (unknown) values to be determined

Assignment is an instruction to store a value to a variable (aka. a specific address) Prefered symbol is <- or :=, avoid = (although many programming language uses =)

a <- 10
sum := a + b
ave = total / n

Variable Names

Each variable name has two attributes (or information)

  • The memory address of that variable
  • The value stored in that memory space
We can copy the value to somewhere else, but we don't move its value.
We can check what value stored in that variable
We can replace the value stored in that variable with a new value


  • Given three variables, big, small, and mid, do some arithmetic operations
  • Given four variables, a, b, c, d, shift contents all those variables
  • Given two variables, a and b, swap contents of the two variables

Name has to be representative (relevant to the stored information)!

  • Name selection: Start with a letter, followed by one/more letters/digits
e.g. i, j, temp1, tmax, average, arr, sum, SID, sName, StudentInfo, student_info, pcur

Separated words style

  • Each word in the name is separated by an underscore (‘_’)

Camel style

  • Starting letter of each word is capital, the rest are small letters
  • Except beginning letter can be small or capital, depending on the purpose

Hungarian style

  • First characters (prefix) determine the data type (a array, p pointer, …)
  • Follow by the purpose (temporary, current, previous, next data, …)


Predefined data types that are supported by most programming languages

  • The data types and operations that are most commonly used
  • Integer type and its simple operations (+, , *, /) are oftenly used
  • How about power operation?
  • Will for example, data type for student information be a primitive type? Why?

They are assumed already available when writing an algorithm

Other types have to be defined before being used, And the algorithm for their operations have to be defined/created (and named!)

Boolean / Logical

ALU after arithmetic comes logic!

  • 1 as true and 0 as false
  • However addressable data is bytes (group of 8 bits),
  • Each programming language defines its own mapping
  • Many programming language defines all zeros as false and the rest as true

Basic logical operations:

  • and (&&) , or (||), not (!)

Comparisons (resulting in Boolean value):

  • == , <> (!=)
  • <, <=, >, >=

Real or Floating Point

Unlike integers which are only whole numbers, real numbers can have fractions

  • value = sign * 0.mantissa * 10^exponent
  • Bits are divided into sign (+/-, 1 bit), exponent (6 bits), and mantissa
  • 6 bits exponent = -32 .. +31
  • More bits more precision
0 100000000 000000 = +0.5
0 101000000 111111 = +0.3125
S     M       E

How to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division?

Floating point operations are normally slower than integer operations Floating point is convenient, but use it when only has to

Character and String


  • A numbered table/list of characters
  • The original ASCII (7 bits) is for standard (US) latin characters
100 0001 (65) - 101 1010 (90)  = 'A'-'Z'
110 0001 (97) - 111 1010 (122) = 'a'-'z'
011 0000 (48) - 011 1001 (57)  = '0'-'9'
  • Operations to map number to character and vice-versa
  • UniCode (16 bits), an extension to include character sets for many other languages, eg. Cyrillic, Arabic, Mandarin, Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese, …
  • How a number is viewable as a character?
  • How pressing a key on keyboard yields particular character?

String (or text) is a sequence of characters

Operations on string:

  • concatenation two strings
  • appending a character
  • taking a substring
  • finding length of a string

Other data types are possible

  • Image, video, audio, …
  • How are they implemented?
  • Doesn’t need to be a primitive

Basic Instructions

Assignment stores a value (evaluated from an expression) to a memory location

  • Or copy value from another memory location
  • variable <- expression

Input takes value(s) from an input device and store to variables

  • input variable_list
input sname, sgpa, year

Output sends value(s) to an output device

  • output expression_list
output 2018, sname, (total*2), (grade > 3)

Exercises previous tasks by adding I/O processes

Named Algorithm

All algorithms must be given proper names

  • Making a new algorithm purposeful and easier to understand
  • An algorithm is a composition of primitives and previously named algorithms

Two types of named algorithms:

  • Functions, given parameters, compute and return a value
sqrt(), sqr(), cos(), sin(), abs(), random(), crypt(), ...
  • Procedures, given parameters, do something, usually trigger a device
output(), setTime(), Register(), Lock(), Unlock(), Exec(), Mount(), Mkdir(), ...
  • Procedures, given input parameters, do something, and produce results
input(), json.Compact(), Unmarshal(), ...


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